martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Tubestation, mi nuevo y favorito Café!

Es una antigua inglesia, que al no tener mucho exito estos ultimos años, decidieron poner en el periódico un anuncio para ver a quién se le ocurría hacer algo en ella, siempre y cuando fuese relacionado con la religion cristiana. Unos chicos del pueblo tuvieron la suerte de encontrar este pequeño recuadro perdido entre otras muchas cosas y aquí lo tenemos... Un local abierto desde 2007 para The christian surfers, la comunidad cristiana.. pero aqui tod el mundo es bienvenido y nadie dice nada a nadie, se mezcla gente de todo tipo y edades, lo mejorde todo son las vistas y la mini que tiene dentro,puedes pati ar, tomar u cafe, usar su wifi, ver u video de surf, leer un libro, jugar con los juegos que tienen por allí, lasar a er las exposicio es de la galeria, comer u sandwich de atun o el quege hayas traido de casa... Suena muy friki, y lo es, pero tambien es una pasada y lo bueno es que cada uno va a su bola.
Mega recomendable!!!!

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014


Dos meses en Cornwall... Cornwall esta situada al suroeste de la isla británica, la mas occidental de todas, limitada al norte y oeste por el mar , al sur con el canal inglés y al este con Devon. Cornualles tiene una población de 536.000 y ocupa una superficie de 3.563 km 2. Antiguamente vivia principalmente de la mineria de estaño, hoy en día es el turismo el punto fuerte de esta región. Es un paraíso de surf, las mejores olas de UK parecen estar por aquí, en todos los pueblos y playas ves negocios dedicados a ello. Una cuarta parte de la población actual es de jubilados con dinero. Ellos también surfean! He venido aquí estos mese de Aupair, a cuidar a dos niñas rubias con unos ojos azules preciosos y un llanto fácil tremendo. Tienen 2 y 4 años, apesar de sus quejas continuas son una pasada. Y los padres también, son jovenes y con muy buen rollo.

martes, 21 de enero de 2014

Don't date a girl who travels

She’s the one with the messy unkempt hair colored by the sun. Her skin is now far from fair like it once was. Not even sun kissed. It’s burnt with multiple tan lines, wounds and bites here and there. But for every flaw on her skin, she has an interesting story to tell.

Don’t date a girl who travels. She is hard to please. The usual dinner-movie date at the mall will suck the life out of her. Her soul craves for new experiences and adventures. She will be unimpressed with your new car and your expensive watch. She would rather climb a rock or jump out of an airplane than hear you brag about it.

Don’t date a girl who travels because she will bug you to book a flight every time there’s an airline seat sale. She wont party at Republiq. And she will never pay over $100 for Avicii because she knows that one weekend of clubbing is equivalent to one week somewhere far more exciting.

Chances are, she can’t hold a steady job. Or she’s probably daydreaming about quitting. She doesn’t want to keep working her ass off for someone else’s dream. She has her own and is working towards it. She is a freelancer. She makes money from designing, writing, photography or something that requires creativity and imagination. Don’t waste her time complaining about your boring job.

Don’t date a girl who travels. She might have wasted her college degree and switched careers entirely. She is now a dive instructor or a yoga teacher. She’s not sure when the next paycheck is coming. But she doesn’t work like a robot all day, she goes out and takes what life has to offer and challenges you to do the same.

Don’t date a girl who travels for she has chosen a life of uncertainty. She doesn’t have a plan or a permanent address. She goes with the flow and follows her heart. She dances to the beat of her own drum. She doesn’t wear a watch. Her days are ruled by the sun and the moon. When the waves are calling, life stops and she will be oblivious to everything else for a moment. But she has learned that the most important thing in life isn’t surfing.

Don’t date a girl who travels as she tends to speak her mind. She will never try to impress your parents or friends. She knows respect, but isn’t afraid to hold a debate about global issues or social responsibility.

She will never need you. She knows how to pitch a tent and screw her own fins without your help. She cooks well and doesn’t need you to pay for her meals. She is too independent and wont care whether you travel with her or not. She will forget to check in with you when she arrives at her destination. She’s busy living in the present. She talks to strangers. She will meet many interesting, like-minded people from around the world who share her passion and dreams. She will be bored with you.

So never date a girl who travels unless you can keep up with her. And if you unintentionally fall in love with one, don’t you dare keep her. Let her go.

jueves, 2 de enero de 2014

Flat Mate

Inmejorable compañia.
Durante estas semanas de horas y más horas de trabajo, hemos conseguido sacar cada día buenos momentos que compartir la una con la otra, un desayuno, el tren, la pausa, la vuelta al tren, la cena, un vino,un helado, una peli, una pipa, un ratón, un cuadro, una lavadora, una conversación en la cama...
Eres genial Sole! No veo el momento de estar juntas de nuevo.